What we would like to share with you today is a very interesting 2012 interview with Dr. Barrie Trower, one of the leading exponents of the battle against electronic mental weapons. From Torturer to Exponent Dr. Barrie Trower has had first-hand experience of the weapons we fight against. As part of the British Secret Service,...

As technology continues to improve and Artificial Intelligence advances, there are more and more risks to which we expose ourselves. Information is the basis for protecting ourselves. Associations against Mental Manipulation More and more associations around the world are fighting against Mind Manipulation. By reconstructing facts and studying documents, they inform the population of the...

On 11 November 2019, I read a report on my Facebook page related to the NSA/USA that electromagnetic attacks with psychotronic weapons against TI targets (Target Individuals) are underway. The documents, which appear to have been sent in error, contain a series of illustrations depicting various devices and techniques designed to manipulate the human mind....

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