Narrative of a victim of mental manipulation

On 11 November 2019, I read a report on my Facebook page related to the NSA/USA that electromagnetic attacks with psychotronic weapons against TI targets (Target Individuals) are underway. The documents, which appear to have been sent in error, contain a series of illustrations depicting various devices and techniques designed to manipulate the human mind.

Total mind control

The file also contains details of weapons that use electromagnetic force to inflict severe pain on certain people. After reading this report, I remember what happened to me and am trying to make a complaint in the collective with other victims. I have been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. I know I am not mentally ill. An artificial schizophrenia was caused in me. I know that all the things that have happened to me are related to what I have experienced and lived through in my life in relation to hemp, environmental protection and the mishandling with psychotropic drugs. These are the main reasons for this mental manipulation that is happening with me. I should not be able to go public and make a complaint or share my knowledge.

I became mentally ill because of these attacks that took place against me. After reading this report, I started researching and working in all directions to find out what machinations I had gotten myself into. At night, when my partner was asleep, I would do research on the computer. I found and gathered so much information on the Internet that I can now defend myself against everything in my life. I now know that there is a shadow government on the western side. Security services like the CIA are intertwined in this. There is also a blacklist of innocent people who feel uncomfortable with this shadow government and are manipulated or even killed. Then there are people who are used for experimental purposes by this shadow government and who are human guinea pigs. These experiments are not possible with animals because they do not have brains like humans.

Through the research I conducted then, I discovered the following: there is mass manipulation of people all over the world. Through the Internet, I met organisations all over the world talking about this problem. I myself now know people affected by these attacks using the latest technology. I have learnt that we are surrounded by dark forces. It all probably started in 1945 with the Cold War between East and West. The Americans had learned that the Russians were brainwashing some people during interrogations to obtain information. Moreover, the Russians were already using truth serum. Then the Americans started the research. To control individuals and eliminate spies. Because they knew that the Germans were already conducting studies on drugs and human manipulation techniques during the Second World War. After the Second World War, they started to involve German scientists who had worked for the Nazis during the war. This operation was known as “Operation Paperclip“. Around 1953, the MK-Ultra project was born. MK-Ultra has a total of 150 sub-projects. One of these sub-projects is called “Artichoke“. This project is designed to induce other people to commit murder. For example, “Project 68” was designed to erase and manipulate the human mind. Patients were given various drugs such as LSD and other drugs. They also received electroshock therapy.

Of course, many animal experiments with these substances and electric shocks have also been conducted. Since about 1970, the CIA has attempted to control and alter minds through the development of psychological, biological and radiological weapons. All studies such as the experiments carried out under MK-Ultra were illegal and the victims were ignorant. Mainly black people, convicts or non-Americans were used for this purpose. In the 1970s, when this story came to light, it was officially stopped, but secretly the studies and experiments continued. Many people died as a result of the tests and experiments. The CIA also got rid of employees who knew too much and felt uncomfortable like Frank Olson, a CIA collaborator.

A long history of mental manipulations

The techniques and history of mind control have a long tradition. Starting with Nazi concentration camps and moving on to CIA factories, humans have been trying to control people for over 80 years. What began as torture with drugs, hypnosis and electric shocks has turned into high-tech treatment using long-range weapons. So-called directed energy weapons can be used to torture people. People all over the world are concerned about the illegal and unintentional testing of these technologies. What only a few people in the world know is based on techniques that partly use the frequencies to which our bodies react. When I discovered this MK-Ultra, I realised that I too am a victim of these machinations.

If you want more information, the website of an Italian association called “Movimento Ampio” explains everything.


Kevin Shipp – Shadow Government

MK Ultra – Studies/Experiments

Hack the Matrix – Psychoelectronics

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