Capana, better known as cannabis, has been the focus of much debate over the years because of its uses and the particular substances it contains. However, outside of recreational and playful purposes, cannabis can be used as a medicine for many ailments, particularly mental disorders. Let us delve into it together!
Naturopathy, professional care and cannabis
Humans naturally have docking stations in the brain that can absorb the substances contained in cannabis. According to current knowledge, especially in the psychiatric sector, a large number of psychiatric hospitals could close their doors if patients were treated with cannabis. People suffering from mental illnesses could be treated with cannabis preparations in conjunction with naturopathy and professional care, with a view to a greater expectation of a healthier life. The quality of life would increase.
It is now well known how the synthetic preparations currently prescribed affect people with mental illnesses to such an extent that their health, both physical and mental, deteriorates, often leading the patient to suicide. Patients increasingly have to resort to drugs that destroy the immune system. The costs of drugs have led to deficits in health insurance companies and to an increase in the public debt of individual countries around the world due to incorrect preparations. In addition, the patient has to pay more and more for drugs, which become more and more expensive.
Cannabis contains at least 60 substances that are considered effective components of medicines and natural remedies. The best known substance is THC. The success of cannabis therapy depends directly on the THC concentration of the plant used. Around one hundred different illnesses can be treated with these medicines. Some athletes also appreciate the positive effects of cannabis. It is very popular during forest runs and marathons because of its lung-cleansing effects. A clean lung means better fitness and endurance. Evidence today suggests that cannabis promises a longer life expectancy.
The absence of side effects in hemp-based medicine
Cannabis-based medicine has no significant side effects compared to synthetic drugs that are now prescribed for the same diseases that can be treated with cannabis and are available in pharmacies.
In all the medical literature and therapeutic options with cannabis known for at least 5000 years, not a single death caused by cannabis has been mentioned.
There is no known lethal dose of cannabis in pharmacology. Hemp is therefore the best alternative to synthetic drugs. Less side effects and more health, mental and physical, for patients.