For our World to be in perfect balance, she is necessary: Biodiversity. Perfect balance can only be achieved by respecting nature and consciously living with it. Everything has its place in the world Nature has always balanced itself. Where there are mosquitoes there are frogs, and where grass grows free there are herbivorous animals. A...
Due to climate change, i.e. environmental destruction, many people no longer have a guaranteed future.

INSO wants to achieve world peace, which is the basis for moving towards the joint Future World project. In the current global situation it is not possible to shape the future in a meaningful way because there are conflicts all over the world that hinder it. INSO wants people to learn more about themselves and their past. Only when people know what has brought us to the current situation we are in, can the damage be repaired.
It is crucial to initiate diplomatic meetings with peoples in crisis, so as to address the issues that led to wars, putting the innocence of the people first. The problems of the past related to capitalism must be acknowledged, and the culprits of the current situations in different areas of the world must be recognised. It will be crucial to work together to end military conflicts. The study of history will make it possible to understand and realise that the whole of humanity has common roots, today recognised in Africa. By studying the history of humanity, we will be able to clarify why we are in the Anthropocene Epoch today.