Hemp is not just a product for pharmaceuticals or entertainment, it is a perfect product for food, used throughout the world in ancient times. Let’s find out more about it.
The importance of Hemp Seeds in human nutrition
Let’s start with a small difference: Hemp or Marijuana? Although often confused, these two plants have differences. They belong to the same family, but hemp contains less than 1% of the psychoactive drug, while marijuana contains up to 20%. Hemp seeds do not contain THC.
Hemp seeds, derived from Cannabis Sativa, have been a mainstay of human nutrition until the present century, although they have almost disappeared in Europe. However, their use can be found all over the world in porridge and soups. But it is by travelling around the World, leaving behind the known Europe, that we discover its most interesting uses.
Tibetan and Buddhist monks ate hemp seed dishes up to three times a day, basing their daily diet on these very important seeds. It is in Eastern countries and in some parts of Russia that hemp seeds are considered a food for all intents and purposes. In many areas of the East, hemp is cultivated and the seeds are processed like oats, resulting in a very versatile flour. This curious flour is perfect for gluten-free diets.
Hemp seeds in the East are part of the daily diet of millions of people and in times of famine have been crucial to peoples’ survival. Hemp flour provides energy mainly from the protein it contains, it is therefore a more ‘long-term’ energy and allows the body to stay healthier than classic wheat flour, where carbohydrates form the basis of the energy provided. This particular flour not only satiates hunger, but also keeps the body and muscles healthy. At the end of the 19th century, the Australian population managed to survive two famines thanks to hemp seeds and leaves.
Hemp seed proteins are among the best in the vegetable world, of very high quality and easily utilised by the human body. They are not 100% comparable to animal proteins, but are very similar and therefore very useful in a vegetarian or vegan diet. In fact, vegans and vegetarians who include hemp in their diet can continue their diet without suffering any particular nutritional deficiencies. Due to their nutritional content, hemp seeds are perfect for a healthy, balanced diet.
The protein supply of hemp seeds helps strengthen the immune system, reducing the risk of disease. At the same time, it helps eliminate toxins from the body. Many studies confirm that the consumption of hemp seeds helps in the healing process of diseases related to immune deficiency.
Hemp Seeds, also important for animals
Although we have so far focused on the importance of hemp seeds in human nutrition, we can also extend the discussion to animals. Many studies have confirmed that the presence of hemp seeds in the diet of birds enables them to live longer, up to 10-20% longer. In fact, the oil contained in the seeds is crucial for their health, especially the health of their feathers. Their health improves so much that birds eating hemp seeds lay more eggs and are likely to fly more, thanks to the improved health of their feathers. Prior to the 1937 ban on hemp cultivation, more than 400,000 hectares of land in the United States were covered with wild hemp, which is essential for bird nutrition.
The nutritional values of 100 g of hemp seeds are:
- 2,534 kJ – 612 Kcal of Energy
- 51,7gr of Fat (of which 5,2gr saturated fatty acids)
- 30,3gr of Protein
- 4,8gr of Fibre
- 4,0gr of Carbohydrates (of which 0,8gr of sugars)
- 0,2gr of Salt
Not only that, hemp seeds are a valuable source of vitamins A, group B vitamins and E, and minerals such as phosphorus, iron and potassium. There is no shortage of Omega 3 and Omega 6, essential for good nutrition. In the fatty acids contained in hemp seeds, we can recognise essential linoleic acid and alpha-linoleic acid, which are considered essential for the growth of cells that form nerves, muscles and organs throughout the body. Due to the absence of phytic acid (an anti-nutrient that prevents the absorption of mineral salts), the mineral salts contained in hemp seed, and its derivatives, are perfectly assimilable.
This particular composition is also ideal for pets and farm animals. In cattle, pigs and poultry, good fattening results have been observed without having to resort to steroids, which are good for results, but bad and harmful to the health of both humans and animals.
The side effects of hemp consumption
As with anything, one must have balance and not exceed the recommended dosage. In fact, the high nutritional value of hemp seeds can easily lead to an overdose that can cause problems. This is especially the case if hemp is supplemented with food supplements and not with natural foods.
The main side effects are: Anticoagulant Effect, Carcinogenic Effect and Digestive Disorders.
The anticoagulant effect is due to the risk of inhibition of platelet formation; although this particular effect can be used medically to treat patients suffering from thrombophilia, care should be taken if this condition is absent. Blood clotting can be delayed and this can lead to more serious problems. If you are on a course of treatment that includes anticoagulants, hemp seed consumption should be avoided, just as it is not recommended before and after surgery.
Cold-pressing hemp seeds leads to a high amount of linoleic acid, which appears to be one of the factors behind skin cancer. So does an overdose of the polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, which in optimal doses are beneficial to health, but high consumption can lead to negative consequences.
High consumption of plant fibres can cause constipation, but in excessive doses they can also cause diarrhoea, stomach ache and cramps. Those suffering from colon disease or digestive disorders should pay particular attention to the consumption of hemp seed.
As with any foodstuff, care should be taken with doses and overdosing should be avoided. Although the pros outweigh the cons, the latter should not be underestimated!
Hemp Seeds, ideal for everyone’s health
Forgotten, banned, excluded… hemp seeds are not known for their nutritional values, but that is where they become real treasures for human and animal health. Ideal for those suffering from coeliac disease, for those on a vegan or vegetarian diet, for those in need of a protein diet… hemp seeds are hidden treasures and it is important to rediscover them in order to integrate them into any diet!