Capana, better known as cannabis, has been the focus of much debate over the years because of its uses and the particular substances it contains. However, outside of recreational and playful purposes, cannabis can be used as a medicine for many ailments, particularly mental disorders. Let us delve into it together! Naturopathy, professional care and...
Hemp cultivation for sustainable soil improvement and organic farming. The hemp plant is not only the most useful plant in the world, hemp, for example, is also a potential climate saviour and, if used correctly, can also significantly reduce global warming, climate crises and soil degradation.

INSO wants to work to ensure that hemp is cultivated again all over the world. As hemp is a universal plant, with the capacity to produce 50,000 different natural products. Today, it could replace most products that pollute the environment. Since hemp is also an important biofuel that does not cause significant damage to the environment, it is important that this plant is promoted. Furthermore, hemp is a food for humans and animals; it must be re-grown as quickly as possible because it is rich in nutrients. The lie that hemp is a drug must be disproved so that its medical use can be made available again. Hemp-based medicines have no significant side effects compared to the chemical medicines of the pharmaceutical industry; therefore, hemp promises a better quality of life. This is why INSO would like to hold conferences with hemp experts. They would also promote the value of hemp at events. Without hemp there will be no future because it is part of a person’s whole life.
Hemp, with the possibility of producing multiple products, must be made accessible to everyone again. In order to save money in the future, especially in the area of disease, it is important that people eat healthily. In particular, hemp seeds are excellent for this purpose due to their content of many nutrients. A healthy person needs less medicine, so the state has to cover fewer medical expenses. Here, for example, in Italy, medical expenses are financed by public funds. Hemp seed helps prevent diseases before they occur and is an excellent tasty food.
From our blog...
Can hemp cultivation can, thanks to its beneficial properties, help us reduce our impact on the environment? It could probably be our best weapon in this tough battle! Hemp gives more than it takes Cultivating hemp could really help mitigate climate change, thanks to its beneficial properties on soil and biodiversity. It could help drastically...
I would like to propose reading a short extract from the book “Die Wiederentdeckung der Hanfpflanze” by Jack Herer. In this extract we can read how hemp is an ally for man and his health. THC, the human brain and hemp The human brain is equipped with receptors that can only and exclusively absorb THC...