On NoDigitalMan‘s Telegram channel, the full interview with ACOFOINMENEF, the association that fights for the protection of victims of mental electronic weapons, both recognised and unrecognised, is now available. An intervention to raise awareness of the problem The issue of Electronic Mind Bonds is one that is particularly close to our hearts at INSO, which...
Author: Roberto Mattina
On 6 January 2025, an important complaint was filed against those who use and have used mind control technologies for illicit purposes. INSO embraces this initiative and wants to make it public so that it can reach those who have important information and want to disclose it. A complaint to free the oppressed The war...
It is increasingly difficult to talk about freedom, especially when it can be manipulated through remote neurotechnologies. Mojmir Babáček talks about this in his latest book, available at the link at the bottom of this article! Mojmir Babáček, from the Czech Republic to the World Born in 1947 in Prague, Czech Republic, Mojmir Babáček graduated...
As technology continues to improve and Artificial Intelligence advances, there are more and more risks to which we expose ourselves. Information is the basis for protecting ourselves. Associations against Mental Manipulation More and more associations around the world are fighting against Mind Manipulation. By reconstructing facts and studying documents, they inform the population of the...
It is little talked about, if at all, but PFAS contamination is widespread in Italy and is a problem that must be solved as soon as possible. Our health, that of our children and grandchildren, and of nature depend on it. PFAS contamination, but what is it? PFAS are chemicals that can impart hydrophobicity and...
In the previous article devoted to Ivy and its invasion, I anticipated that I would tell you about the positive and negative aspects of this expansion. So here is an analysis of these different aspects. The negative aspect of ivy: Trees are slowly dying because with ivy they are being smothered. When trees are covered...
Can hemp cultivation can, thanks to its beneficial properties, help us reduce our impact on the environment? It could probably be our best weapon in this tough battle! Hemp gives more than it takes Cultivating hemp could really help mitigate climate change, thanks to its beneficial properties on soil and biodiversity. It could help drastically...
Ivy always appeared to me as a possible friend. I had no idea that behind it hid a dangerous secret for all of us…. Ivy and its expansion A few years ago, I don’t remember exactly when, I began to notice that ivy was spreading more and more. I was already familiar with ivy from...
For our World to be in perfect balance, she is necessary: Biodiversity. Perfect balance can only be achieved by respecting nature and consciously living with it. Everything has its place in the world Nature has always balanced itself. Where there are mosquitoes there are frogs, and where grass grows free there are herbivorous animals. A...